
Expectations in the Year Ahead

AFSCME Local 3634 Family

As we embark upon the year 2025, I would like to personally thank all of you for your continued commitment and support to the Union. We were able to accomplish a lot in 2024, with the negotiated 5yr, 27% contract (highest ever) being at the top of the list. Even with that accomplishment, there is a lot more work to do. Our fight to protect benefits, safe working conditions, pensions and our very right to exist as public sector employees will be constant battles against multiple anti-worker corporations who desire to roll back our rights as workers. We can’t take anything for granted. We will continue to also push and support movements and legislation that supports strengthening Medicare and Social Security.

Our commitment to organizing workers who have little to no representation will not only continue but will be the focus and top priority of our Local, District Council 36 and AFSCME International. Building and strengthening the labor force and movement is a must for working class people everywhere and we can’t go back to pre-Union work conditions where we had little to no input in the workplace. We will continue to encourage all of you to be active and attentive to what we are doing as a union but also the decisions that are proposed and made in our respective local, state and federal legislators that affect us as individuals, our families and society as a whole. Let’s Take Nothing for Granted!!!

Respectfully and in Solidarity,
Brother Al Cromer
AFSCME Local 3634 President