President’s Message

president_photo_01As the President of Local 3634, I am committed to providing our Local and our membership with the highest level of service at all times. My hope is that this Local continuously builds upon the great work this Board and previous Executive Boards have accomplished thus far. You can find messages from our recent newsletters below.







July 2013

On Saturday, June 15, 2013, a ratification meeting was held to present negotiated changes to the general membership. The members in attendance voted overwhelmingly to ratify the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

On Thursday, June 27, 2013, the LACMTA Board of Directors ratified the new CBA between AFSCME and the LACMTA. The contract is for a 3-yr term. It covers FY 2011, 2012 & 2013.

The new CBA will be retroactive to July 1, 2011 and expire on June 30, 2014. The pay raise is effective July 15, 2013.

PORTAL-TO-PORTAL PAY Any TOS/RTOS called for unscheduled overtime work on their day off is entitled to Portal-to-Portal pay. This means you must code your timesheet with TVL for the one-hour travel time guarantee per Appendix C. It is incumbent upon the employee to ask for this benefit.

You are also required to start work within two (2) hours of the start time of the available shift.


May 2013

Backed by an amazing team of Executive Board Members, we are dedicated to protecting the Contract and serving our members in the pursuit of fair wages and a safe work environment.

As you may or might not know, MTA policies not contained in our Contract are still applicable to our everyday work environment.

As we begin our new process of a monthly newsletter, disseminating information to the members, I want to begin by saying, “NO MTA policy may violate the AFSCME Local 3634 Contract.”

However, I along with your Executive Members, have noticed an increase in discipline of our members for violations of these Policies. As I have become more familiar with these violations, I feel the need to inform our members of some Policies that need special attention:

  • Attendance HR 21
  • Drug & Alcohol Free Work Environment HR 46
  • Electronic Devices OPS 1
  • Employee Code of Conduct
  • Maintenance Guidebook
  • Rail Blue Book
  • VO Rulebook

All Policies are available for review on the MTA Intranet.